Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and LET US RUN with endurance the race set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Heb 12:1&2

Friday, February 11, 2011

Enjoying the Flip Flop Days!!

We had a wonderful week enjoying our spring like weather while it lasts. I have heard that we have a big storm coming in on Monday ;( I have enjoyed putting my boots aside and wearing flip flops for a few days!!! Our backyard has even dried up enough so the kids can go out and play!!!

 I was inside picking up when I heard the boys calling for me..... They wanted me to check out their sisters CRAZY hair!!!

 Then they had to show me their cool tricks and were so excited when I was actually able to get a picture of both of them air borne :)
 Oh how this makes me smile :)

 Yesterday we met my mom at Kennedy park after our school work was done and enjoyed a picnic, game of lava monster tag, followed b a nice walk while playing follow the leader ( poor people who passed us must of thought we just excaped from the Napa State Hospital... we looked really silly flapping our arms like birds while walking backwards, kicking our legs, and spitting our our tounges like lizards... yeah it was quite a site and NO I didn't get pictures... the image in your mind is enough... trust me :) But I did get some other cute pictures of our day.....

 They were both saying Lava Monster come and get me

 Yes she went down that HUGE slide all by herself and not just once.... like 5 times!! This girl loves the thrill.. Pray for us :)
 Zack was the Lave Monster and was trying to tag Auntie

 Wow, who needs to go to the gym... Just chase your kiddos around a park.
 Oh how I love my Sister :)

 Confession... the night before it was wear red night for GTC... yes my kids ended up sleeping in their clothes and yes they didn't change the next day :) But hey they look cute and are matching. I should have not said anything and I could have given you the impression that I am an organized, put together mom who daily coordinates her kids clothing :) Nah... I guess the dirt on their faces would have given it away anyways!

 Jayden really wanted to do a muscle man picture :)
 Oh how I ♥ him

 I am not sure what type of flowers we laid down in to take this picture but whatever they were they smelled AWFUL... so I guess my kids have to change their clothes now :)
This was how follow the leader started but with Jayden as our leader... it got very interesting :)

I am so thankful for my wonderful mom who will call me and say you need to get out of the house... be ready in 2 hrs :)  Because when you have a day that starts like this.......

 And can end like this.... It is a good day indeed :)
I ♥ You Mom!!!


  1. O.K. I'm crying now!! God has truly
    blessed me above & beyond with such a wonderful daughter in you Jenny. You are a fun & interesting writer too, and photographer.
    Jesus,my husband,my kids,kids-in-law, grandkids, parents, family & friends are my treasures and my true Valentines !!!
    I love you my Jenny!!!
    Happy Valentines 2011

  2. I just showed this to Dad & he thought it was so nice!!
    Love ya.
