Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and LET US RUN with endurance the race set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Heb 12:1&2

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A few mornings ago...

I woke up to the sweetest thing.... Jayden had gotten himself and Zack up and got dressed. They did their chores. Jayden than made all 3 of them breakfast along with a chocolate milk. He sat them at the table and prayed that God would help them be good, kind boys today and that they would glorify Him. While eating they spilled some cereal on the floor so the boys got the vacuum out and cleaned up the mess. The whole time Jayden kept saying shhhhh lets be quiet so we don't wake up mommy and daddy!

I really appreciate this right now because morning sickness is out in full force. It is actually all day sickness for me :( God definitely gave me pregnancy amnesia because I don't remember it being this rough. But my family has been wonderful.  We have just been doing the bare essentials. I am so thankful for thanksgiving because it left us with leftovers for almost a week.. But now the leftovers have run out and  I have to get back into the kitchen....  Looks like cereal for dinner!  Mat said this is just a short time (but seems to be it has been going on FOREVER already!)

We had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving. My parents and sister came over. Of course we had too much food. Mat had to work that night so my mom and sis stayed over. I made the turkey.Well it was a combined effort... I made the Maple- Cider Brine ( our new favorite, the turkey was so moist!) and Mat prepared the 22lb bird!! My mom made the ham (Zack's favorite).

My mom got the kids some speciall treats from Buttercream Bakery in Napa... Can you tell they were just a little excited about them :)

 Of course we ate too much... I was even able to eat some turkey and potatoes and not get sick!!

   Following our yearly tradition despite morning sickness Tays and I did a bit of black Friday shopping.... We left at 5pm Thursday night and were back by 8pm.... yeah not like years past but hey at least it was something. I mean I was the crazy lady who when Jayden was 10 days old convinced Mat to go to best buy with me on Black Friday.. Lets just say I will never get Mat out on black Friday again. I scared him for life! But my sister and I have carried on the tradition every year and usually I look forward to the 3:45 am alarm that awakens me telling me to get my shop on.  But that wasn't happenin this year :)

We had a wonderful day and everyday  since I have heard.. "It is almost Christmas"... "Is Christmas here yet" :) The countdown begins today :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


2 parents+ 4 Kids= a family of 6!

We found out on Oct 31st that our Petit family won't be so Petite anymore :)

We had the kids wear these to surprise our family on Halloween

We got to see our little peanut's strong heat beat last week!
We are 8 weeks 
Counting down the days when morning or all day sickness passes :)

Peanut is due July 6th!!! 
A perfect 30th birthday present for Mat who's bday is on the 17th! 

So that was our exciting news :)

I will post the belly pics in the next few days..
 Lets just say the 4th pops out ALOT faster :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Thankfulness isn't something that you are it is something you choose. In the hardest moments in life we can choose to be thankful. Even though I am not in one of the "hardest" moments in life right now I know friends and family who are and  that I may be one day. Col 3: 16-17 "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Thanks-  when we see grace in our lives. The Grace of God to us who don't deserve it. Have you stopped and looked at what God has graciously given you today???  I haven't yet and so often I fail to do this. But today.. I am taking a minute... or more to stop and look at  where I can see God's grace to me and be thankful... So in no particular order....

I am ThAnKfUl for

Dirty Laundry- because it means that I have a family

Computer- making it easier to keep in contact with friends and family

Queen Size Bed- Perfect size for just the 2 of us yet completely squishy with all of us 
 family cuddle time wouldn't be complete without the toes in your face while being squished like a pancake  :)

Hope- The hope I have been given in Christ

Mercy- That is new every morning

Homeschooling- For the work God is doing in each one of us!

Music- Because when turned up loud it makes cleaning so much more fun  :)

Our House- When it is full of friends and family

Sickness- Shows me what a wonderful, caring, helpful family I have!

My Husband- For all the he is 

My Kids- How God has made each one so unique 

Friends and Family-  They are evidences of God's love and mercy 

Holidays- The excitement, joy and traditions each one brings

My Bible- It is the food for my soul 

I read this and thought it was a good reminder to not just be thankful once a year but make it a daily habit .Giving thanks to the One who holds the world in His hands and who gives us everything!!

"What if you woke up today with only the things that you thanked God for yesterday?"

P.S. Check back in the next few days.... I have something exciting to share.... :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What to do with your old frames

The saying is true.. One's man trash is another mans treasure.. 
Well I found these old frames for .75 at a garage sale..... 

After a little sandpaper, paint, and burlap 

I created this 

A dry erase board

Beginning with this......

 I made a birthday gift for a dear friend by taking burlap and stapling it to the back of the frame and then modpodging buttons on the burlap.  The flower in the corner I made using strip of burlap folded with the end in the center and stapled in the middle. The buttons were modpodged on as well.

I think I am going to have to make myself one of these cause it looks good on my green wall :) 

Wood Name signs for a nursery

 I made these signs for 2 friends baby girls nurseries. 
I had a lot of fun using Modpodge for the first time.
I used a wooden fence board cut down into squares and sanded. 
Then I found scrapbook paper that went with their nursery theme's- Raggady Anne and a jungle. 
I painted the back and sides of the squares with arcylic paint.

Next came mod podging ( not sure if that is a real word :) the scrapbook paper on the board.... 

 After that dried I modpodged the buttons on and the other embellishments ( the Raggady Ann was from the invites)

 I did the same thing with this one however I wanted to shape the letters differently so I used another scrapbook paper and then modpodged the buttons over it

 The ribbon is stapled in the back

I can't wait for the next baby shower to make more :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day out with all my boys

The alarm clock buzzed way to early in the morning. Thankfully the kids woke up without a problem. By 7 we were all loaded in the car and off for a fun day. First stop was Nana's house to drop off Kaitlyn. 
Then we were off
Mapquest thought that we needed to see the back roads to Santa Rosa. It gave the boys time for a nice little nap before our busy day at the Shultz museum.

The boys and their friends

 Zack wasn't too into the art museum 
 but we finally convinced him to give a few of the art projects a try

After lunch came the time all my boys were anxiously waiting for..... Ice Skating

Once daddy hit the ice he forgot all about being a daddy. He was in his element :) He likes to say that he was born with skates on.. It is a Canadian thing :) Now he did stop once and a while to give his boys a bit of skating instruction. They loved it too. Jayden favorite part was rolling around on the ice I think :)

 I wasn't too into skating so I got to stay nice and warm and leave without any bruises :) Last time I skated with Mat he was doing circles around me and since we were around a bunch of friends this time.... :)

 Zack and Jayden wanted a turn to be behind the camera

It was a fun day spent with my boys, Snoopy, and Charlie Brown :)
Kaitlyn had fun shopping and going to the park with Nana!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

how in the world are you 7 already??

Our first born.. You changed my life forever... You made me a mommy!! From the beginning dear son you broke the mold. We didn't think we could get pregnant but the positive pregancy test said that God had other plans than what the doctors said. He gave us you... During the 36th week of pregnancy you got real comfy sitting with you head under my ribs . Even with the force of 2 male doctors pushing trying to flip you.. you didn't budge... so a c-section was scheduled for Nov. 3rd at 8 am...

  Wow driving to the hospital on that rainy morning was such a surreal moment. I was really nervous about the surgery however I was so thankful for the doctor God blessed us with,! a christian named Dr. Oliver. Once on the operation table Dr. Oliver asked " So do you think you are numb enough to start?" Oh my gosh my heart stopped! I guess I could get more nervous than I already was!! How was I supposed to know if I was numb enough?? .....well then he said " Oh don't worry we started 5 minutes ago :)" A few minutes later you came out healthy and crying. I now have a forever scar that reminds me of the precious gift I was given.


 As a baby you were a cuddle bug that we called bobble head.. well you really had no choice about the cuddle part because you were the 1st for everyone and there were always hands ready to hold you!
 At a very young age you loved to listen to books. At 6 months you could sit for over 30 minutes reading stories.. It was actually the story reader who got tired first :)

Your 1st birthday cake... can't say you didn't enjoy it :)  
2nd Birthday
3rd Birthday


4th Birthday

5th Birthday

Now my not so little boy you have grown to be a 7 year old who has an amazing love for animals. Animal facts and discovery shows are your favorite. Your wit leaves mom and dad speechless.

You can talk, and talk and talk :) I pray that you use your gift of gab to the glory of the one who made you. PS 139: 13-16   "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb.I will praise You, for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And [that] my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, [And] skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When [as yet there were] none of them."

Col 4:6 "[Let] your speech always [be] with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one."

 When you grow up you want to be a cop or an animal adventurer ( someone who explores new places and discovers new things about animals.

To celebrate your 7th birthday we took some friends to the jump house and came back home for pizza and build your own cupcakes! It was a wonderful day to begin your 7th year of life!

6th Birthday
 Happy 7th Birthday Son!

 Col 1: 9-10 "For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;"