Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and LET US RUN with endurance the race set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Heb 12:1&2

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Half way there......

20 Weeks today..... 

So a 20 point update is in order

1. I am finally starting to feeling all the kicks and pushes that our little girl is evidently doing in there

2. Kaitlyn thinks her name should be Sally

3. I have gained 6lbs so far and that was in a 2 week span last month.
I completely freaked out at first because I thought I would continue on the 3 lbs a week trek
but thankfully that was just because I was finally able to start eating again.. taking about eating......

4. I LOVE food- real food
Last week Mat got chicken wings
 the next morning Kaitlyn and I polished off his leftovers at 930 am
I ordered a steak for the 1st time in like 15 years and enjoyed EVERY bite :)
I have even sneaked on a few cheetos yesterday!

5. I bought my 1st maternity clothes for this pregnancy  this past weekend

6. Her name is going to be Addison- Addy for short
Now we just need a middle name... suggestions anyone???

7. The boys are excited to not have to share their room 3 ways :)

8. Nesting has already started-
my poor family has  20 long weeks ahead and my honey has a long honey do list :)

9. I have been to the gym 0 times in the past 2 weeks

10. She weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. Is around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel ( thanks to babycenter for the info :)

11.  Heartburn has started :(
I had this for the 1st time when I was prego with Kaitlyn.
Not Fun at all 

12. I don't like diet pepsi
What that is crazy I know!
I have been drinking water like crazy

13. Honestly I am still in shock that it is a GIRL

14. My hair won't curl at all.
Must be all the girl hormones because the same thing happened when I was prego with Kaitlyn

15. I love food
Oh I already said that but it is true... especially salty food
but I don't really like cooking right now.. so that is kind of a problem

16. I am searching for a good stroller & car seat
A stroller that COMPLETELY reclines and has an option to make into a double stroller
Suggestions anyone??

17. Daddy quote " Well now that it is a girl it makes everything easier since we saved almost everything from Kaitlyn but when the girls are 16 and 13.. that is going to be a different story" 

18. I have been having days where I have so much energy
 then days where I can't keep my eye lids open ( like yesterday I made myself get up at 5 to have my quiet time and work on my memory verses but fell asleep 45 minutes later :(

19. With my prego brain I am having a hard time thinking of something for # 19 

20. I can't wait to hold my little girl in about 20 weeks.Wow this pregnancy is going by so fast now that I am not nauseous 24/7 !

Half way there.. Half way meeting the missing link in our Petit family!


  1. So thankful that you are feeling better finally! Excited to see your progress toward the big arrival date. <3

  2. Tayler and I talk everday about what Addy is going to look like, or who she is going to resemble the most. We can't wait! We love you honey and will help you through the next 20 weeks and beyond.
    I'm still amazed my daughter ate STEAK!You used to love it as a child too.
    Love you all.
