Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and LET US RUN with endurance the race set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Heb 12:1&2

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Today I want to remember

The days seem to be flying by
but I want to remember what is happening today
before today becomes yesterday

Today I want to remember...

  The lessons we are learning while going through proverbs with the kids. I ♥ the time of discussion we have after about the verses that we feel we each need to remember to not just be hearers but doers of for that day. It is amazing to see how God's word brings conviction so much more than any word I could say when trying to reach my kids heart!! It is precious to hear them tell me the verse they need to work on and then pray that God would help them to live out that verse for the day.

My son who has struggled with reading has completed his first 2 chapter books!!! And actually says he likes reading now. I think I should mention that a little incentive helped spur this on a bit. After he reads a whole chapter book he gets to pick a pokemon card to order on Amazon.

 How Addy gets super excited every time she sees me. If I turn around and walk away from her she cries........ every time :)

I can survive on  5 or less hours of sleep a night because the littlest miss thinks she is a newborn again and wakes up every 2 to 3 hours a night for the past !!

 How fun messy house days are because that means we have been too busy having fun to clean up ( I really need to remember this with my type A personality :)

My date day with my wonderful husband - lunch and a Napa river walk ♥

 How Kaitlyn says hectagon- she loves pointing out shapes everywhere we go. And even helps her brothers with their math when it comes to naming shapes :)

Zack when he comes up randomly through the day and just gives me a hug for no reason- my little love bug!

Working out feels so good................................... afterwards

How my boys turn everything into a wrestling match any chance they can.. even if we are walking the aisles of Costco. I find myself saying hands to yourself more times then I can count.

The face Addy makes when given baby food. Imagine me giving her a spoon full of sour lemons followed by the chills and instant stomach flu reflux. Yep she isn't too keen on the baby mush

That I need to call the dentist to make my appt....this has only been on my to-do list since before I found out I was pregnant with Addy. Lets just say I would rather do just about anything else can't you tell??? ☺

That we never know what tomorrow will hold but that God has His sovereign plan which we can trust will be for our good and His glory.

That my baby has said enough blogging mommy come and pick me up now :)


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