Dear Kaitlyn Marie,
I sit here remembering back to May 24th 2009…. I was at Kaiser Hospital in labor. I had Daddy, Nana, Auntie Tays and Auntie Jennie there with me. It was 2 weeks before your expected arrival but I think you wanted to make sure you could meet Uncle Jay Jay before he left for South Africa for the summer. Mimi and Papa were on a plane flying here.. and your brothers were spending the night at our friends house.

After the party ended and everyone fell asleep (except me :) I guess they thought the invitation said slumber party too?? I was too busy having a baby to sleep. All the hard work was worth it because at 4:20am on Memorial day May 25 you made your grand entrance weighing in at 6lbs and 19 ¾ inches long. Daddy and I were speechless as we beheld a precious gift from God. It was love at first sight!!!
The moment you were born daddy started making plans of when and what kind of shot gun he will be buying in about 15 yrs and I beheld my new best friend for life.... a my daughter!! I also was hit with the reality that you my daughter were going to be looking to me as an example of what it is like to be a godly wife, mother and child of God. God had given me a special responsibility to lead you by my example but I am so glad that He didn't leave me to do this on my own because baby girl if you don't know it yet (which I am sure you do :) your mommy is a sinner in need of much daily grace and forgiveness. My prayer is not that you look to me but that you look to Jesus.... Heb12:1&2 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." I pray that you fix your eyes on Jesus baby for it is in Him alone that you will find fullness of Joy and Peace.

You are a lucky girl to have the worlds greatest grandparents too :)
You turned 2 today!!! And in 2 short years you have learned to walk, talk, count, and say your ABC's.
You have also developed some character qualities that I pray you will use for the glory of God.
You are strong willed- I pray that you become strong in the fear and the knowledge of God
Deut 31:6 "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He [is] the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." I pray you find your strength in the Lord Kaitlyn
The moment you were born daddy started making plans of when and what kind of shot gun he will be buying in about 15 yrs and I beheld my new best friend for life.... a my daughter!! I also was hit with the reality that you my daughter were going to be looking to me as an example of what it is like to be a godly wife, mother and child of God. God had given me a special responsibility to lead you by my example but I am so glad that He didn't leave me to do this on my own because baby girl if you don't know it yet (which I am sure you do :) your mommy is a sinner in need of much daily grace and forgiveness. My prayer is not that you look to me but that you look to Jesus.... Heb12:1&2 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." I pray that you fix your eyes on Jesus baby for it is in Him alone that you will find fullness of Joy and Peace.

You are a lucky girl to have the worlds greatest grandparents too :)
This day last year you took your first real walking steps... On your 1st birthday!!!
You have also developed some character qualities that I pray you will use for the glory of God.
You are strong willed- I pray that you become strong in the fear and the knowledge of God
Deut 31:6 "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He [is] the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." I pray you find your strength in the Lord Kaitlyn
You are very smart- I pray you seek for wisdom where true wisdom comes from
Pr 2:5 " Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth [come] knowledge and understanding;
You are loving and kind- I pray that you come to realize that we can only love because He first loved us.. Even while we were still sinner Christ died for us... that is you u too baby girl... Jesus loved you Kaitlyn enough to suffer and die for you so that He might make you His special blood bought daughter.. that is true love baby and it is only when you realize this that you will truly be able to LOVE others!!
Gal 5 :22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
When I asked you how old you were this morning after we all said Happy Birthday and gave you your presents you said "2" in such a sweet little girl way with such a sweet little girl smile. Now that you are 2 you can go to the movies. We took you today.You got a bit scared when we walked in and wanted mommy to hold you but after we sat down and gave you your popcorn you LOVED it and lasted almost the whole movie :)
Things that you are interested in right now are... Elmo!! We are having an Elmo party with all our friends and even an Elmo jumper next week... now if we could just get daddy to dress in an Elmo costume.. Wait a minute that was a scary thought :)
You LOVE are obsessed with SHOES... You get that from your Mimi and that isn't all you get from her... you also look just like her :) You change shoes at least 3 times a day and not only into your own shoes but the boys, mommy's.. any shoes it doesn't matter. When you look at someone you even often look at their shoes first :) And when you get a new pair of shoes you love to just stare at them when you walk :)
When you wake up in the morning you think that we need to included into the morning routine.... TV... you wake up and the first thing you often ask for is TV... and then you say your "hunree" ( hungry :) You would love instead of breakfast in bed.. breakfast and TV :) And guess what this morning for your birthday you got just that.
You are starting to want to pick out your own clothes.... We are in trouble now :)
Whatever your brothers do... you think you can do too and most of the time you can!
Your favorite foods are chicken, spaghetti, hot dogs and pizza.
I am so excited for this next year of your life Kaitlyn Marie! To watch you continue to learn and grow. You bring some much joy to our lives even if you get up and want to come into mommy and daddy's bed cuddle at 2am in the morning!
I love you my dear daughter and wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!!
You are starting to want to pick out your own clothes.... We are in trouble now :)
Whatever your brothers do... you think you can do too and most of the time you can!
Your favorite foods are chicken, spaghetti, hot dogs and pizza.
I am so excited for this next year of your life Kaitlyn Marie! To watch you continue to learn and grow. You bring some much joy to our lives even if you get up and want to come into mommy and daddy's bed cuddle at 2am in the morning!
I love you my dear daughter and wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday, Kaitlyn! That was quite a night when she was born:) So much fun, well for us anyway, you were in pain! Trying to sleep on a pullout chair w/ Tayler and being 3 weeks post-op w/ many adventures with you! Thanks for letting me be a part of that day. Hope you guys have a great celebration, sorry we're missing it!
ReplyDeleteLove you :)
-auntie jennie
This post was SO sweet and had me in tears the whole way through. What a precious little girl you've been given! I loved how you wrote this out and the pictures you posted are super cute.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe she's 2! feels like yesterday you posted on Fb about her first steps and turning 1.
Happy Birthday, Kaitlyn!
Thanks for the birthday wishes- Thanks for being there with me Jen... I loved sharing that with u too!
ReplyDeleteThanks Stef- It was emotional for me writing this post :) It is amazing how quickly our kiddos grow.. oh and that picture you posted of Kara in the fridge.... it was totally something Kaitlyn would do... that is why I didn't show her the picture. Didn't want to give her any ideas :)
What a beautiful tribute to our Kaitlyn Jenny, You are a wonderful mom. Katie is blessed to have you as her mommy ( to have Matt too). I remember that specail day she came into the world & love looking at her photos of that day. She was so tiny...where did the time go!
ReplyDeleteWe had a wonderful time on her B-day Wed. & look forward to making more memories with her & all of you.
She is your new best friend, as both of my daughters are to me! God has so blessed me with my children above & beyond what I ever imagined & he will surprise you too with these relationships.
Love you,