I just have to write it down or (type rather).... I LOVE my husband. Because when I am having those days when I wake up crabby not knowing why and having no reason for being angry. I want to be able to read this and see that I really have no reasons for being mad.
I don't know if it ever happens to you but at least once a month for me I have a day where I feel like my anger is just sitting in my throat and whoever for whatever reason it just wants to come spilling out. I know it is wrong " A fool gives full vent to his anger but a wise man keeps himself under control " Prov 29:11 ... I know I am being a fool but I go and lash out anyways.. or I just find something and stew on it for awhile.
This week I had one of those days. As I was waiting for some justified reason for the anger I was feeling my husband calls from Walmart saying he bought a dog crate for his chickens... that was IT... Did he really spend that money on those stinken chickens!!! But I didn't lash out I just sat there while homeschooling stewing... and stewing and stewing.. so when he walked in all excited... I gave him a quick answer and pretended I was too busy to talk..... well I was right???? I was busy stewing.. and stewing...
Once school was done. Mat watched the kids for me while I took my sister to get a dress for a banquet she is going too. Yes my wonderful husband will gladly play mommy and let me get out of the house.... remember I do LOVE him :) Poor guy didn't even know I was mad at him at this point... well maybe until I gave him a quick peck good bye.
So we went shopping.. well she did and I helped.. and YES we did find a dress and it was only $35 dollars!!!!
We were done.. I was tired. I walk in the door and I prepped myself for my living room to be a mess telling me they had a fun time playing with daddy. But to my surprise I only found a few cheerios on the floor and an Elmo moving playing. I turn the corner to the kitchen and find my handsome husband with flour all over himself.. what is he doing???? He was trying to make me some gluten free bread because he knows how much I having been missing bread these last 2 weeks!!! And he is making me a vanilla cake to enjoy after dinner.
What???? How can I be mad at this man who thinks of me while I am away.. who picked up the house because he knows how I love a clean house... cleaned the WHOLE kitchen ( even cleaned and put away the dishes!!) after dinner. Oh I forgot to mention made dinner ( it was a delicious BBQ!!), He went through recipes books looking for the roll recipes I love and would make and eat all the time... and then tries to replicate it with garbanzo bean flour ( yes you read that right... it smelled like hummus!!)... And then laughs with me when I try the dough and experience the biggest gag reflux... Oh boy it was AWFUL!!! He bakes it hoping it will taste better after cooked.. Once it comes out it smells just like the dough did... he decides to give it to the chickens :) Then he makes me gluten free cupcakes.... these ones smelled like vanilla cupcakes and the batter tasted like them they just have a different texture... a bit grainy. Once frosted they taste like cornbread with chocolate frosting.... but they were good :)
And his kindness to me didn't stop with that day... The next day he took the little ones to run errands while I homeschooled Jayden (he went to 3 stores looking for certain vacuum bags), did the laundry, made bread for the kids, cleaned all the dishes AGAIN and even said he would get rid of some of the chickens if that would make me happy.
So I just had to ask him "why???" Why was he being like this... I figured this is when I would hear "well I did order 20 ducks" or something ) actually he did but he was just joking but his reply was "because I am tired of being selfish and I know you need help and I like making you happy!!" Oh yes he did get a big kiss for this :) And I just have to say there is nothing sexier than a man in the kitchen doing dishes and putting them away.. You can take your flowers I will take my man doing dished any day!!!
Eph 5:25,33 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..... However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband"
I love that my boys are seeing what being a husband should look like and I pray that they see in me how a wife is to love her husband and be his helper!
So now I can read this when I am having one of those days where I want to look at all the specks in my husbands eye without looking at the log in my own, when I want to see the one thing he isn't doing and not the many many things he does do for me, for our family. I will read this note and remember.... How much I love this amazing man God has graciously given me.. and be thankful!!!
Hi sissy!! haha i love your blog! And this last post was so sweet. I love Matt ^_^