I am always so encouraged when I read about the Israelites. Last week I taught my Sunday school class Gen 14 - 17:7 Where God opens the Red Sea and Provides for the Israelites in the Wilderness.
So as Pharaoh's army drew near to the Israelites camp they got scared and began to doubt God. What they saw was a huge army with whom they had just escaped from coming after them again!!! Why was God allowing this to happen again... Why hadn't he relieved them of this problem once and for all??? I am sure they were saying.. " God listen you should have just killed them in Egypt... why have them chase us out here in the wilderness???"
Then Moses says " Don't be scared, be calm because God is all powerful and will do what he says He will... don't worry you won't see the Egyptians anymore." I am sure they thought... " Yeah right God they are coming right now to attach us.. I can see them!" They were only looking to what they could physically see...They couldn't see God who was working for their good and HIS glory.. They didn't see what God's next plan was. How often in my life do I complain and worry when I see this huge problem coming or one that has been here for awhile that isn't going away ( when I think it should like right NOW!) , that huge mountain that I can see but know for sure "I" can't climb it...
Well guess what God told Moses... " Stop crying and start MOVING.... go forward" This is so often what God calls us to do in the midst of what we think are impossible circumstances... stop complaining and just start doing my word... trust me and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey!!
God told Moses to take his rod, stretch out his hand over the sea and divide the waters and God would make a walkway in the midst of the sea for the Israelites to walk through. Moses obeyed God and God caused a strong wind to come up and the waters were divided and the Israelites walked on DRY LAND in between 2 walls of water!!! I can't even imagine this.. The closest thing I can get to this is when you go to something like the underwater shark experiences. You walk in a tunnel with fish and sharks swimming on top and on the sides of you but that is between a very thick piece of glass. Were the Israelites afraid?? I am sure they were but they kept on moving forward.. following God.
Pharoah and his men also kept moving forward but when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, Moses stretched out his rod once more and the walls of water fell and the water returned and the Egyptians got swallowed up in the sea.... The Lord saved Israel that day from their enemies!!!!
Don't we wish God would take our big problems whether it be in our marriage, money, health, children or whatever else and just swallow them up in the sea to be gone forever and to do that right this minute!!! Well guess what just like the Israelites we don't see what God is doing and how he is working ... but in his perfect timing, when we have learned, grown, been sanctified and began to really relay on Him.. when we stop complaining and more forward... that is when we will see Him work. However it might not be like we think it should but it is for our ultimate, eternal good and His glory!!!
I then go on to read that right after God parts the Red Sea the Israelites begin to wander in the wilderness for 3 days... just 3 days after God showed them His amazing care and provision for His people. They can't find water and guess what... they start complaining AGAIN!!!
My first reaction is to judge them because of their complaining and unthankful heart. But then God showed me Jenny look at how many times daily I answer your prayers. You had cancer and I healed you. You thought you could never have kids but I have given you 3 beautiful children. You pray for strength for the day and I have given you perfect strength for all that I brought you during the day . I put it on Mat's heart to help you around the house today but then you find one little things he didn't do or say and you start complaining AGAIN.. So now instead of judging them I see how much I am like them.
Guess what God did for them when they complained for water??? He brought them with his merciful hands to wells of water and palm trees to sit and enjoy the shade. But it doesn't stop there....
They began to journey again and couldn't find food to eat.. What was their first reaction.. to pray and trust God to provide??? Nope.... they complained AGAIN. Then God said, " You will see my glory and I hear your complaint." Then the Lord appeared in a cloud and said, " I have heard you and I will give you meat and fill you with bread. And so it was. Quails came and covered the camp and then in the morning flakes of bread was on the ground called Mana. Then they needed water AGAIN and guess what..... they complained. God told Moses to go before the people with his rob and hit the rock and water will come out of it.
God provided for these undeserving people out of his unmeasurable mercy, grace and forgivness.
Gen 14:14 " The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace."
I see this verse coming to life in the life of one of my dear friends. She has 4 small children and one with many health problems and just recently her husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. We have had them over a few times in the past few weeks and every time I talk to her I see the strength of the Lord pouring out of her. She isn't complaining about what God is doing in her life.. It seems as a HUGE uphill battle for them yet they find there comfort and peace in the Lord who is at work even now in fight for life. If anyone can, they could have every excuse for a pity party but they aren't. They have stopped complaining and are moving forward... most days one foot in front of the other but their feet are moving forward..... They are trusting our Savior and obeying Him and in this they are finding JOY despite there circumstance. Oh how I thank God for placing this family in my life. We love to so and their faith through this is strengthening ours!!
How little I have to complain about... but when I do start complaining I pray that I stop and just starting moving in obedience to God's word trusting in my dear Savior who became obedient to the Father even to the point of death.. Death on the cross for me!! Therefore instead of judging the Israelites I can sympathies with them because I see how much I am like them!
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