Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and LET US RUN with endurance the race set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Heb 12:1&2

Friday, May 13, 2011

We were attacked by.....

 The FLU!!!!!!  It has been over a week since my last post.... I will blame it on the stomach flu that had me not in my normal state of being for 5 days!!! Despite the stomach flu I was able to celebrate Mother's day in a very special way thanks to my amazing husband.... He surprised my mom and I with tickets to see Cats in SF and a night at the Marriot. ( Yes he did score himself some MAJOR brownie points with this one! Now I just have to find a way to top this for Father's day even thought he always says no don't get me anything... so if you have any ideas I would love it!! :) Back to Mother's Day.... We had an amazing time just the two of us.. This is the first time we went away for a night just my mom and I since before I had kids I think!! Cats was really neat even though I didn't know the story line at all and couldn't figure it out until the finale scene :) But I have to say that the beds at the Marriot were the best part of the WHOLE thing.. they were AMAZING and we both had one all to ourselves.... and having the flu made them feel even better :) I guess Kaitlyn wanted to keep daddy busy while mommy was gone because she ended up with the flu that night.... poor baby girl. But a week later and the flu has left the Petit house. I am finally getting back into the swing of things.... And am so hungry now.. I guess not eating for 5 days will do that :) Here is a view into our house this past week!!
 This was so funny.. I had got Katie dressed in a cute t-shirt and shorts outfit Monday morning.... Poor baby girl really wasn't feeling good and what put her over the edge was the outfit mommy picked out.. She kept crying "not this one.. not this one..." it wasn't so clear as she was tying (crying) so it took me a good 5 minutes to finally figure out what she was saying.. In hopes to help her feel better stop crying ( because mommy had a major head ache ) we went in her closet and I let her pick out whatever she wanted to wear... and this is what she picked... The skirt almost didn't come off for bath time that evening but a Popsicle in the bath was enough to finally convince her!!!
 She ended up taking a 3 1/2 hr nap that day.. and for this girl you know that means she is sick ;(
 Despite our lovely sick week we did manage to get a trip to discovery kingdom with our friends in before the plague hit us....

 Jayden and Kayley

 Isn't this soo cute :)
 This is what the kids enjoyed the most that day... the water... I think mommy did too because we were able to just sit and watch them. It took Kaitlyn a good 20 minutes before she decided this was something she wanted to do. While she was figuring it out she went around to everyone's shoes and admired them and even tried to put a few pairs on.... this girl and shoes :)

 I love Jayden's face here :) I just wish it was a closer shot

The boys are lovin T Ball so Tuesday we had a family practice day... First in our backyard and then we went to our neighborhood park...

I better  go conquer  the mountain of laundry before it over takes our house!! I will post later about a few fun things we have been doing for homeschooling!

1 comment:

  1. NO!!!! I'm so sorry you guys had to deal with the flu. My sister and her husband's family recently went to Hume lake on vaca and half of them were throwing up during the trip :(

    Looks like some fun in water play! Looking forward to hearing about the homeschool fun - you always have creative ideas!
