Now that 2013 is here I wanted to make a list of resolutions/goals I would like to accomplish over the next 365 days. The top 15 in no certain order are....
~Get back in shape
~Finish memorizing Colossians
~Read 12 books
~Blog at least twice
a week
~Have 2 unplugged
days a month where we turn off everything electronic
~Be intentional about spending quality time with each kid
each day- To not just be present but to spend some quality time with each one
~Pay off some debts and use our money in a more God glorify
~Share the gospel by the way I live not just by what I say
~Start couponing again
~Open our home at least once a month to share a meal and get
to know new people
~Start preschool with Kaitlyn, and finish 1st and 3rd grade
for the boys
~Sew my 1st quilt and girls dress
~Try 1 month of freezer cooking
~Prioritize my time by seeking God's will in His word and
prayer 1st so that I will go through my day with His strength and not mine.
~ Get at least last year’s digital photos printed and start
Addy's scrapbook
I am inspired by your 2013 goals. Many of those are things I want to accomplish, too. Good luck!