So in honor of turning 30 weeks a 30 point update is in order.... Here we go.......
1. 1:00 AM is her favorite time of the day to practice her gymnastics/ Karate! For the past week it is been almost 1 am on the dot everyday!!! ( Mommy thinks this is not the most ideal time but she hasn't gotten that memo)
2. waking up at 1 am has created a very tired mommy... But like Mat said.. Hey at least your body is getting ready for the middle of the night feedings that will begin soon!
3. I love strawberries with a little bit of powered sugar
4. If you would offer me dessert or some meat.. I would choose meat
5. Heartburn oh how I will not miss u.. Zantac is part of my daily routine now and I have even had to supplement with tums in between.. I mean really water and rice cakes give heart burn?? Apparently so
6. She prefers me sleeping on my right side and when I try and switch she promptly lets me know with a kick in the ribs or punch in the bladder!
7. My sister and I started making flower head bands that I can't wait to have her wear ( will post pictures of them soon). Kaitlyn already loves wearing them
8. I am still nesting- Lately the boys room has been re-organized, the next project is the yard and garage.. I hate to admit the excitement I have about going to the dumps!!!!
9. I have also been nesting in the kitchen- trying new recipes, baking... A recipe post will be coming soon... If I remember with my pregnancy brains. Mat likes this kind of nesting much better :) It doesn't involve honey-do lists just honey try this :)
10. Kaitlyn thinks I have 2 babies in my tummy because we call her Addy or Addison.. so she is convinced that there is an Addy AND Addison :)
11. Zack said while in the car last week " Mommy I hope that you don't have to have a c-infection." Took us a minute to realize he meant a C-section :) Yeah son mommy is praying for that too :)
12. Jayden can't wait to see what she is going to look like... His verdict is like Zack:)
13. The couch is my new bed. I also use about every pillow in the house and still have a hard time finding a comfortable position.
14. I am not hungry much.. might have something to do with the heartburn or lack of room. Just a few small snacks a day and I am set!
15. I have gained 19lbs so far
16. Her heartbeat was in the 150's last appt
17. If I follow in the foot steps of my pregnancy with Kaitlyn then I only have 8 more weeks! CRAZY!
18. I am getting at that "I am done" stage now. I was really comfortable up until the last 2 weeks but now not sleeping and her position I am ready to meet her and not feel like a tired, old achy lady :)
19.The braxton-hicks have started. I have been having at least 10 a day for the past few days.. giving me a nice labour reality check :)
20. I still have a few things to finish up the girls room.... make the curtains and get a rug
21. I think we have finally figured out a middle name... But still not 100% sure
22. My parents got us the car seat so now we have all the essentials if she were to come early
23. I am hoping my water breaks on its own this time instead of them breaking it at the hospital because my labor always go really quick after! Oh and this time I am going drug free so please pray for me! I had such a bad experience with my epidural last time I can't get one this time.... I am going to have my verses ready to dwell on like... Phil 4:13 " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Isa 41:10 "fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
I would also love any tips that helped you go drug free.
24. I now officially do the pregnancy waddle :) So you can spot me in the crowd... I am the waddling lady :)
25. I am measuring a little small but that is normal for me.. I did the same with the other pregnancies as well
26. Painting my toes is more like doing some crazy yoga moves now...Looks like Mat is going to have whip out the brush and help me... this should be interesting. Maybe I should just treat myself to a pedicure:)
27. Jayden still hugs my belly every night before bed :)
28. Whenever something is on my tummy she kicks it as if to say " umm excuse me this is my space and I am already squished... so get off :)"
29. Zack remembers the due date but not his birthday :)
30. We are all so excited to see what the missing piece to our family is going to look like, what her personality will be and just to love on her!!!! It is going to be sooner rather than later now :)
Wow that took these pregnancy brains longer than it should have! What am I going to do if I make it to 40 weeks... :)

I didn't get around to posting my 27 week baby bump but here it is
You are a beautiful pregnant mommy and very trim for the "waddling" stage! Love you, love your writings!