Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and LET US RUN with endurance the race set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Heb 12:1&2

Monday, January 23, 2012

With 4 kids in our Petit family life is COMPLETELY busy... ( and one kid is still in utero:) which is why the complete lack of blogging lately... sorry. 
Another factor is our laptop met it's end is now a brick. Sitting at a desktop, in our master bedroom, on a uncomfortable chair isn't something I have found pleasure  doing lately. Therefore reason 2 for not blogging... ok enough is enough no more excuses just get on with blogging already!!

We are 4 months prego now. Since week 14 I have felt like a new woman. The 1st Trimester up until 2 weeks ago was a time I will NOT look back on with fond memories. The toilet bowl and I became way too close of friends. My couch now has my impression forever!  I think my family can attest to the non -"funess" of those months. BUT I am happy to say....... Gone are those days!!!! 
   Now it is time to tackle all that got neglected... The fridge was so scary who knows what was growing in there. The closest had monsters living in them..... pile of stuff monsters from just throwing everything in them so we could walk on our floors without tripping !!! So that is what I have been up to lately oh that and EATING... guess my body is making up for the months of not eating. I feel like eating all the time and when I am not eating I am dreaming of eating :) Right now I LOVE salty. Salt and Vinegar Pop chips my favorite. My first craving was shelled roasted and salted sunflower seeds.. Oh yummm! Here I go getting hungry AGAIN:)

I felt the baby kick a few nights ago!!! 
Now we are anxiously awaiting our big ultrasound in a few weeks to see if it is pink or blue :)
 Here is the belly bump at 15 weeks taken a week and a half ago...
Yeah those 4th babies really do pop out a lot sooner!!


  1. yay!! So glad you're done with Trimester #1 too. Isn't it awful? I love the pregnancy amnesia we get, otherwise I'd never get pregnant again :)

    You look great, btw. Definitely popped, but in a super cute, fit way. I love it.
    I feel super huge and I admit, I hate when people say "you don't even look pregnant!" I always want to reply with "oh, I didn't realize this huge belly always stuck out, even before I was pregnant." :)

  2. finally a picture of your bump! You're looking great (of course you always do)!

  3. Glad my first baby is feeling better! You are a terrific looking preggy lady and a great mom. I'm proud of my wonderful grandkids "bikling" accomplishment (aka- bicycling), and thanks to Jerry and Chantelle for teaching them!
    Love you.
