Thanks- when we see grace in our lives. The Grace of God to us who don't deserve it. Have you stopped and looked at what God has graciously given you today??? I haven't yet and so often I fail to do this. But today.. I am taking a minute... or more to stop and look at where I can see God's grace to me and be thankful... So in no particular order....
I am ThAnKfUl for
Dirty Laundry- because it means that I have a family
Computer- making it easier to keep in contact with friends and family
Queen Size Bed- Perfect size for just the 2 of us yet completely squishy with all of us
family cuddle time wouldn't be complete without the toes in your face while being squished like a pancake :)
Hope- The hope I have been given in Christ
Mercy- That is new every morning
Homeschooling- For the work God is doing in each one of us!
Music- Because when turned up loud it makes cleaning so much more fun :)
Our House- When it is full of friends and family
Sickness- Shows me what a wonderful, caring, helpful family I have!
My Husband- For all the he is
My Kids- How God has made each one so unique
Friends and Family- They are evidences of God's love and mercy
Holidays- The excitement, joy and traditions each one brings
My Bible- It is the food for my soul
I read this and thought it was a good reminder to not just be thankful once a year but make it a daily habit .Giving thanks to the One who holds the world in His hands and who gives us everything!!
"What if you woke up today with only the things that you thanked God for yesterday?"
P.S. Check back in the next few days.... I have something exciting to share.... :)
loved this!