Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and LET US RUN with endurance the race set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Heb 12:1&2

Monday, August 29, 2011

This moment in time

At this moment in time.....

Kaitlyn loves Angelina Ballerina-
or as she says.. bal la leen na :) When asked if she is a princess she says " NO ballaleena" Her favorite color is purple and
Her favorite outfit to wear is this....
Yes that is Angelina and I am not sure why she it putting her in her nose?!?!?!?!

Jayden has his first loose tooth!!!
He came to me and said "mommy my tooth hurts.."
when I felt it I almost cried..
It is going to be the 1st tooth lost of many in the Petit house
I know something only a mom can understand.. crying over a loose tooth :)

Zack is loving building things..
He has discovered LEGOS.
He got a small set and played with it for hours a few weeks ago.
Now that is all he wants for his birthday, Christmas Etc :)

Kaitlyn  also likes is obsessed  with Toy Story or Toefee as she says. Daddy was trying to find something for her to watch one morning and all she kept saying was.. Toefee.. Daddy wasn't getting it and Kaitlyn was getting so frustrated until  her brother decoded for daddy and Toy Story was found :)

Zack while out a few weeks ago said "Mom remember when you dated me and we went to lunch and a movie?" This was like 6 months ago!  But oh that warmed my heart and reminded me how important one on one time is with each child. Looking forward making more memories while dating my kiddos :)

Mat and I are reading together  " Teach them Diligently" by Lou Priolo
The ch. we read last night about using the word of God to convict our children was so convicting for us because we neglect to do this so often or when we do we don't do it in the right way. " You must learn how to effectively use the Word of God to appeal to the consciences of your little lawbreakers...... Because as much as you want your children to change for other
"good" reasons- such as their long term health and happiness (or your short term health and happiness) - your supreme motive for raising your children according to the Bible is to  that they may please and glorify God."
 When my kids disobey ME I get angry because I feel that they are disobeying me instead of realizing that it is God they are disobeying. I need to show them how they are  disobeying specifically from scripture.. to find a verse on anger or lying etc and explain it and tell them how they disobeyed God by lying to mommy or getting mad when mommy said they can't do something. Who am I to get angry at my children when they don't obey me?? How many times a daily do I struggle sin and not obey my heavenly Father.

To help us to use verses more regularly in training our kiddos Mat decided to put verses on index cards 
and each week we are going to pull out one of the cards and memorize it as a family.  For example one on anger is  James 1: 19, 20 " Let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man doesn't achieve the righteousness of God." I am so excited to start this and see how God is going to use His word to change our lives!!!!

At this moment in time summer is coming to an end...
Daily schedules are being made
School starts next week
I am excited to get back to a routine! 

Kaitlyn's new thing is going into the kitchen when she wants something to eat
and saying " I like yogurt" Instead of asking for a yogurt she says " I like :)"

Both the boys are going through a major growth spurt! Good thing a new season is going to be starting soon because their summer clothes are getting to small!

Jayden is playing coach pitch baseball 2 times a week.. His team is the Rookies. I am amazed at how much he is improving since beginning baseball in the spring. After September we will take a break from baseball until Little League in the spring.

Zack is playing t-ball again. There are a lot less kids for fall ball then they had during the summer ... Most days only 3 kids from his team show up.. But he is still having fun when he isn't playing in the dirt :)

At this moment in time I need to get off this couch and get ready for my mom's birthday dinner tonight...
Pizza and cake at a park in Crockett ( where my bro and sis in-law live)! 
I might try and get a little coupon shopping in before

Happy Monday Everyone!

PS.. It is so nice to have the internet again after not having it since Friday!

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