Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and LET US RUN with endurance the race set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Heb 12:1&2

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Still Workin

Still workin on our summer bucket list......

 When all my boys came bounding through the door after baseball practice I quickly ushered them outside with the instructions to take their shoes off and go to the trampoline.... Having no idea what was to come........

I secretly prepared inside....

On to these.......

 And brought them out to some anxiously awaiting kids

 Notice the boys faces... they know what is to come.. they have the look like they have done this before.. that they are about to completely enjoying being able to attack each other and get extremely messy....

Well then notice Kaitlyn's face.. She is staring off into space trying to figure out why her crazy mommy told them to go to the trampoline and then out plates of whip cream. Must be snack time she is maybe thinking??????? Well I can tell you one thing she wasn't thinking this would happen....

 She burst into tears when her brother got her a good one. All the while clutching her plate of whip cream which she wants to snack on....

 Oh but the laughter that was heard amongst the boys was why I did this... They LOVED IT :)

 While still screaming her head off so the whole neighborhood thinks we are torturing her.. her sweet brother kneels down so she can pay him back.. she stopped crying for a moment.. but then resumed until placed into the warm bath tub!

What isn't pictured is after the kids were done.. I called Mat out to spray the boys off while I put Kaitlyn in the bath.. but what I really did was come in a get another plate of whip cream.... 

Sneaking up behind him
I planted the plate right on his face... 
But what I forgot to consider was the hose that was in his hand and the freezing cold water that was streaming out of the hose......

Oh yes he got me good... 
Let's just say it ended up being a messy, laughter filled family night that the boys said was the best night ever!!! 
Meaning- it was so worth the mess

Monday, August 29, 2011

This moment in time

At this moment in time.....

Kaitlyn loves Angelina Ballerina-
or as she says.. bal la leen na :) When asked if she is a princess she says " NO ballaleena" Her favorite color is purple and
Her favorite outfit to wear is this....
Yes that is Angelina and I am not sure why she it putting her in her nose?!?!?!?!

Jayden has his first loose tooth!!!
He came to me and said "mommy my tooth hurts.."
when I felt it I almost cried..
It is going to be the 1st tooth lost of many in the Petit house
I know something only a mom can understand.. crying over a loose tooth :)

Zack is loving building things..
He has discovered LEGOS.
He got a small set and played with it for hours a few weeks ago.
Now that is all he wants for his birthday, Christmas Etc :)

Kaitlyn  also likes is obsessed  with Toy Story or Toefee as she says. Daddy was trying to find something for her to watch one morning and all she kept saying was.. Toefee.. Daddy wasn't getting it and Kaitlyn was getting so frustrated until  her brother decoded for daddy and Toy Story was found :)

Zack while out a few weeks ago said "Mom remember when you dated me and we went to lunch and a movie?" This was like 6 months ago!  But oh that warmed my heart and reminded me how important one on one time is with each child. Looking forward making more memories while dating my kiddos :)

Mat and I are reading together  " Teach them Diligently" by Lou Priolo
The ch. we read last night about using the word of God to convict our children was so convicting for us because we neglect to do this so often or when we do we don't do it in the right way. " You must learn how to effectively use the Word of God to appeal to the consciences of your little lawbreakers...... Because as much as you want your children to change for other
"good" reasons- such as their long term health and happiness (or your short term health and happiness) - your supreme motive for raising your children according to the Bible is to  that they may please and glorify God."
 When my kids disobey ME I get angry because I feel that they are disobeying me instead of realizing that it is God they are disobeying. I need to show them how they are  disobeying specifically from scripture.. to find a verse on anger or lying etc and explain it and tell them how they disobeyed God by lying to mommy or getting mad when mommy said they can't do something. Who am I to get angry at my children when they don't obey me?? How many times a daily do I struggle sin and not obey my heavenly Father.

To help us to use verses more regularly in training our kiddos Mat decided to put verses on index cards 
and each week we are going to pull out one of the cards and memorize it as a family.  For example one on anger is  James 1: 19, 20 " Let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man doesn't achieve the righteousness of God." I am so excited to start this and see how God is going to use His word to change our lives!!!!

At this moment in time summer is coming to an end...
Daily schedules are being made
School starts next week
I am excited to get back to a routine! 

Kaitlyn's new thing is going into the kitchen when she wants something to eat
and saying " I like yogurt" Instead of asking for a yogurt she says " I like :)"

Both the boys are going through a major growth spurt! Good thing a new season is going to be starting soon because their summer clothes are getting to small!

Jayden is playing coach pitch baseball 2 times a week.. His team is the Rookies. I am amazed at how much he is improving since beginning baseball in the spring. After September we will take a break from baseball until Little League in the spring.

Zack is playing t-ball again. There are a lot less kids for fall ball then they had during the summer ... Most days only 3 kids from his team show up.. But he is still having fun when he isn't playing in the dirt :)

At this moment in time I need to get off this couch and get ready for my mom's birthday dinner tonight...
Pizza and cake at a park in Crockett ( where my bro and sis in-law live)! 
I might try and get a little coupon shopping in before

Happy Monday Everyone!

PS.. It is so nice to have the internet again after not having it since Friday!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aug 25th

Aug 25th-
Summer is coming to a close and I am in complete denial. I mean school starts for us in less than 2 weeks!
 I have been ordering books and having fun with the delivery man rings my door bell telling me I have a package waiting :)

Now that I have book all over my coffee table it is time to start with the lesson plans.... Oh boy that is where the fun ends :) Actually it shouldn't be too bad this year because I am using My Father's World for Science, art, social Studies and their lesson plans are already done for me!!!

And guess what else we are doing this year... FRENCH finally I mean it is only my husbands 1st language :)!! My in- laws will be proud to read this :) I just ordered the books last night. I am also excited because this is something our french Canadian daddy is teaching!! It will go a lot better than him trying to teach phonics poor guy.. he wanted to help but as I heard him pronounce the phonograms I realized this was going to be a mommy teaching only class :)
So as I sit here typing this post with curriculum surrounding me I am reminded why I sat here.... To work on lesson plans. HiHo HiHo off to lesson plans I go.. or maybe to pick up the room, make dinner.. oh there I go avoiding lesson plans again :) Can't you tell how much I love doing them....

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Re-decorating and birthday

Kaitlyn stood on one of the drawers of her dresser and the whole thing broke. My mom gave me a black dresser.. so I sanded it....

Painted it white... and then as it was drying rubbed it with a cloth.. 

And added new knobs
It inspired me to want to paint Kaityn's room a light purple.. In a few months :)

 Kaitlyn and mommy were playing with the camera.. She kept wanting to "see it".. see herself in the screen :)

We spent a wonderful day at the beach with my family celebrating Mat and my b-day
  This little girl is so happy to be playing in the sand!!

 Wow I just have to say.. 
We know how to eat at the beach... 
Grilled corn, French bread Fresh caught salmon, and shrimp/ veggie kabobs and for dessert chocolate and caramel  dipped apples and strawberries

 My Sweet cousin

My other sweet cousin

Playing bond fire games

Yeah my sister.... don't worry this was just for the picture

My boys found a great pleasure in jumping off the recycle bin

The Girls!!!!

I love this picture

Cousins- Forever Friends
The Fam

Yes we are a crazy bunch of nuts
 Trying to take a normal picture isn't so easy for us!
We had a fun day even though the sun never made an appearance!

Birthday's means a good reason to have a girls night.. so thanks to my dear friend who got it organized... and for my fellow birthday friends.. Dinner was great but the fellowship was even better. Now the froyo afterwards though.. that topped the night :)
 So this birthday has to go down on the books as one of the best ones yet... I got to go shopping with my mom and sister and baby girl... When I got home my dear husband says "hey babe go in our room" So off I go....

 When I walk in my room I am speechless.. my husband remembered what I told him in passing a few months back.. that I would love to have a canopy bed.. Well what did he do??? Went and built one!!!

He even got new sheets and down comforter.
We are going to take down the fan and get a new light fixture.

WOW I how I love this man... 
These are my favorite kind of gifts.. the ones that take thought.. 
 He knows the way to my heart!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Papa's Visit

 Last month Papa ( Mat's dad came for a visit). It was such a fun and busy week.

We kept him busy by taking him to discovery kingdom


 Kaitlyn quickly learned how to play papa's ipad :)

 On daddy's birthday we went to my cousins farm. It was great seeing family

 Kaitlyn here is enjoying homemade maple ice cream from home grown milk
 Next it was time to collect the chicken eggs

 They did good and didn't break even 1!!
 They also showed us a litter of adorable puppies
 Sorry daddy even that face won't convince me to get another dog

 They really loved Kaitlyn... Not sure she loved it too much though

Kaitlyn and her great grandma Donna

Next it was milking time.. It happens twice a day and they have their system down like clock work

My husbands gift from my grandparents... Let just say that Mat was in heaven on his birthday... Visiting the farm of his dreams and then getting this as a gift :)

The next day Mat went deep sea fishing with his dad... They came back with 8 HUGE fillets of Salmon... Like I told Jayden as we sat to dinner that night... This fish was swimming to sea while you ate breakfast and now you are enjoying it for dinner :)

 Not sure if you can see it here but they saw humpback whales too :)

 Mat had so much fun he went back the following Monday with some guys from work.. Now he is trying to convince me to go with him... But me and ocean boating don't mix.. Just the thought make me sea sick :)