Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and LET US RUN with endurance the race set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Heb 12:1&2

Friday, April 8, 2011

Flip Flops to WHAT??????

The sun was out, the birds chickens were chirping..... It looked like we were going to enjoy another flip flop day....Kids were up early, chores done  being worked on,homeschooling was even going surprisingly smooth maybe because of the threat of not being about to go out with our friends.... to lunch and then to the jump house :) But whatever it was it was a wonderful school day!!!

Oh I just have to say I have a major "thing" for baby feet. I love to smell and love on them!! Is it just me or do those little pudgy feet  look completely and utterly delicious right now :)

Oh I guess all of her looks like that too :)

We are a little ready for summer :)

This was last week but I just had to add it because I love it so :)

Oh theses were a few days ago too. My sister and I took the boys to the drive- in. We saw HOP.  Daddy got called to work OT.. so he stayed home with Kaitlyn so he could go to bed early since 3:45 am comes all to soon!

I really can't say how the movie was because of my really annoying problem of falling asleep when all cozy with blankets and pillows... ( Oh I LOVE the drive in :) We were supposed to watch Rango also but when they accidentally put on a thriller movie on our screen instead of Rango we quickly frantically got buckled up and left... So Rango will have to wait until we can watch it in the comfort of our own home :)

This was also from a few days ago... a chip and gaucomole picnic on the swing set... Notice Kaitlyn with no shirt on.. For some reason all day she was taking off everything I put on her. I found her dress next to the trampoline, thinking a shirt and pants would be more difficult to remove I put that on her.. Well her shirt ended up on the floor in her room... I guess it is ok... But hopefully this habit stops for her  soon or we will have to have a talk :)

OK back to yesterday :) I gave Kaitlyn her first french braid that actually stayed in all day!!

 So we went to lunch and the jump house... While at the jump house I thought the ceiling was falling ... but it was actually THUNDER...... Then on our drive home it started  to HAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is that SNOW in our back yard.... CRAZY!!!!

 I was feeling rather uninspired with dinner.. I have chicken breasts out but didn't have any idea what I was going to do.. The menu said oven fried chicken but that just wasn't working for me last night..I found a great pulled chicken recipe for the crock pot that sounds delicious but being it was already 4:30 that wasn't going to happen.... But I really wanted pulled chicken... So I tried browning the chicken breast  in seasoning and white wine... I then poured a whole bunch of bbq sauce and covered and let simmer for 30 minutes.. and whola ... Pulled chicken :) And I felt like being extra sweet to my honey so I made him his favorite curry chicken with a curry yogurt sauce... He was happy beside the way I tried to change it up a bit by adding apples thinking he wasn't going to notice.... :) well he did and says " I hope those are potatoes" My man doesn't like mixing fruit with things... He loves his fruit but not in his dinner :) * He happily ate his dinner while picking out the apples :)


 The sun shinning on my entertainment center promising a beautiful day but showing me all the dust on it which reminds me off all the work I have to do today to get my house ready for a baby shower tomorrow.. So off cleaning I shall go. Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. okay, I have to say first CUTE pictures of your kids. Adorable.

    Second, this is what I don't miss about CA. The crazy Springs where you get swimsuit weather one day and then practically snow the next. I think I quickly became a fan of very weather specific seasons :)

    Could not get over the size hail you guys got!!
