I need to take a moment to remember the fun we have been having the past few days in order to help me forgot the morning we had today.... Lets just say that kids who have had a major lack of sleep, too much sugar, no schedule, and lack of discipline for the past few days don't make good shopping partners when looking for summer clothes.. Even Mimi and Papa were ready to put them up for sale.. buy 1 kids and get 2 naughty kids for free... yeah it was that BAD and Yes I was one of those moms who wanted to just sit on the floor and cry :) But shopping was finished and a complete summer wardrobe was bought for the kids thanks to Mimi and Papa!!! We are soo blessed by them! Oh and I even got a run in this morning. FINALLY!!
Monday the boys had swimming in the morning. Having their grandparents there really motivated them to "show off" they pushed themselves and it was great to watch! Following swimming the search began for a right handed baseball mitt for Zack... 3 sporting good stores later we finally found one small enough for him and on the right hand!!
Monday night they began their tee ball clinic... Jayden was the oldest there but after a few minutes didn't mind at all. They can't wait to go back next week
They worked on base running, catch and throwing and batting. I am glad they are taking this clinic so when they play on a team this summer they will already know what to do/ expect. Not to mention our charter school paid for it :) Yesterday the boys went on a safari. They had an amazing experience on a real safari truck... Pictures will be posted tomorrow :)Good night.. I am exhausted

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and LET US RUN with endurance the race set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Heb 12:1&2
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
We got the privileged of celebrating Easter not once but twice.. once last week with my family.. and this week with Mat's parents.. Here is the photo view of our celebration!!!
Watching the kids on the egg hunt
Look at all those eggs
I love my Big Man.. he was so proud of his find!!
She got a little help with the eggs above 2 feet :)
Oh how I love my egg hunting kiddos him :)
She was determined and on a mission.. Collect the eggs with candy in them.. and throw the ones with money on the ground.. Who needs money anyways.. She got so good that she would just shake them and know which was which and then toss the quarters on the grass :)After a delicious lunch we went for a walk on a beautiful country road.. it was quite eventful... we found 3 snakes...
Looking a a snake that was stuck in some kind of pipe
My CRAZY brave not scared of creatures like her sister sister picked up the snake that Kaitlyn stepped on.. It ended up peeing on her and it smelt awful!! Our family minus the picture taker (Mat)
Now our family Minus photographer (Mom:)
Yeah not sure why he was the one riding the stroller :)
On Easter morning I made a scavenger hunt ( thanks to my friend for the link to a wonderful website for this fun idea) for their Easter baskets. Each clue lead to another clue which eventually lead to the prize... their baskets!! I am going to try and do this every year now.. it was a fun way to extend the process !
The kids were so surprised when Mimi and Papa showed up at the door Saturday afternoon. Since then our days have been filled with tons of fun!! Hence the lack of time spent blogging!
Daddy reading the next "CLUE"
The goods... WAY TOO MUCH CANDY was consumed for which we paid for later that afternoon and the following day. I learned my lesson for next year... NO MORE CANDY it isn't worth major change that takes place in my dear children's personalities. Putting his change in his bank!!!
I will be posting more pictures of our adventures with Mimi and Papa this week! But for now it is bed time... Good Night
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Catching the Bug
Catching the bug... the spring cleaning bug that is :) It may have something to do with with my in-laws coming for a visit tomorrow and the parties at my house planned for May.. but whatever it may be.. I LOVE IT!!! I love organizing, and purging!!! Here is what we did on my husbands 2 days off.... ( not really days off.I kept him quite busy!
I feel like the following pictures need a warning... I am almost embarrassed to show them.. Yes this was how messy we allowed our garage to get. I guess if there is an intervention type reality show for people with horribly messy garages you could have nominated us.... So warning you maybe beastonished appalled by the following photos............

I feel like the following pictures need a warning... I am almost embarrassed to show them.. Yes this was how messy we allowed our garage to get. I guess if there is an intervention type reality show for people with horribly messy garages you could have nominated us.... So warning you maybe be
Ahhhh now you can catch your breath!!!!
We can actually see the ground!!!!
I am so happy I finally got hydrangeas!!!! I hope these plants survive us :)
My clever husband decided to make this broken wheel barrel a planter.. I had almost loaded it in the truck to go to the dumps... I Love it now :)
So that is what kept us busy the past few days... Weekly vacuuming the garage and watering flower are now added to the chore list in hope to never return to the dark side again :)
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