There are moments when I just step back and look at my crazy kiddos calmly playing together and I am overcome with thankfulness for these 3 precious lives God has blessed me with. Jayden takes his big brother role very seriously with Kaitlyn and has ever since she was born. Now up until 5 months ago Zack most often acted like his little sister didn't exist. Last week my mom took Jayden for a special 2 days at Nana's which meant that I had just Zack and Kaitlyn... Zack was sad that he didn't get to go so I wanted to have a special day for him. We ended up getting a little lunch and then went to the jump house. It was there that I got to see my little guy be the big brother to his sister. He asked if she needed help getting up on the slide and then asked her to sit on his lap and go down with him. In the maze he would go ahead and them come back to coax her to keep following him. It was PRECIOUS!!!
I love this little man. He is growing so fast
He helped her up and then let her pick out the show to watch.. and of course she picked ELMO
When we were at home he was VERY attentive and Kaitlyn LOVED it. I am so happy to see that they are forming a special bond now too. Jayden had a wonderful adventure with Nana and Auntie! They went to the coast, saw baby seals, played at the beach in the rain. Zack missed his brother and said " I miss Jayden so much" often through the day.
I LOVE that they are best friends and pray that they will stay this way.
When we met them the following day at Winco we drive up and Zack says " Oh yeah BABY! I missed Jayden so much mom :)" ♥ The entire shopping trip was filled with tales of their adventures apart. Now they are both having a day at Nana's house and I am having a day with my baby girl.
We did our weekly shopping and scored a pair of new tennis shoes for her for $3.94. She proudly wore them to the rest of the stores. This girl loves herself some shoes :) We are looking forward to daddy come home and doing the rest of our shopping... we might have to stop for a treat after :)
Well that is all that I have to ramble about today! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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