I just have to write it down or (type rather).... I LOVE my husband. Because when I am having those days when I wake up crabby not knowing why and having no reason for being angry. I want to be able to read this and see that I really have no reasons for being mad.
I don't know if it ever happens to you but at least once a month for me I have a day where I feel like my anger is just sitting in my throat and whoever for whatever reason it just wants to come spilling out. I know it is wrong " A fool gives full vent to his anger but a wise man keeps himself under control " Prov 29:11 ... I know I am being a fool but I go and lash out anyways.. or I just find something and stew on it for awhile.
This week I had one of those days. As I was waiting for some justified reason for the anger I was feeling my husband calls from Walmart saying he bought a dog crate for his chickens... that was IT... Did he really spend that money on those stinken chickens!!! But I didn't lash out I just sat there while homeschooling stewing... and stewing and stewing.. so when he walked in all excited... I gave him a quick answer and pretended I was too busy to talk..... well I was right???? I was busy stewing.. and stewing...
Once school was done. Mat watched the kids for me while I took my sister to get a dress for a banquet she is going too. Yes my wonderful husband will gladly play mommy and let me get out of the house.... remember I do LOVE him :) Poor guy didn't even know I was mad at him at this point... well maybe until I gave him a quick peck good bye.
So we went shopping.. well she did and I helped.. and YES we did find a dress and it was only $35 dollars!!!!
We were done.. I was tired. I walk in the door and I prepped myself for my living room to be a mess telling me they had a fun time playing with daddy. But to my surprise I only found a few cheerios on the floor and an Elmo moving playing. I turn the corner to the kitchen and find my handsome husband with flour all over himself.. what is he doing???? He was trying to make me some gluten free bread because he knows how much I having been missing bread these last 2 weeks!!! And he is making me a vanilla cake to enjoy after dinner.
What???? How can I be mad at this man who thinks of me while I am away.. who picked up the house because he knows how I love a clean house... cleaned the WHOLE kitchen ( even cleaned and put away the dishes!!) after dinner. Oh I forgot to mention made dinner ( it was a delicious BBQ!!), He went through recipes books looking for the roll recipes I love and would make and eat all the time... and then tries to replicate it with garbanzo bean flour ( yes you read that right... it smelled like hummus!!)... And then laughs with me when I try the dough and experience the biggest gag reflux... Oh boy it was AWFUL!!! He bakes it hoping it will taste better after cooked.. Once it comes out it smells just like the dough did... he decides to give it to the chickens :) Then he makes me gluten free cupcakes.... these ones smelled like vanilla cupcakes and the batter tasted like them they just have a different texture... a bit grainy. Once frosted they taste like cornbread with chocolate frosting.... but they were good :)
And his kindness to me didn't stop with that day... The next day he took the little ones to run errands while I homeschooled Jayden (he went to 3 stores looking for certain vacuum bags), did the laundry, made bread for the kids, cleaned all the dishes AGAIN and even said he would get rid of some of the chickens if that would make me happy.
So I just had to ask him "why???" Why was he being like this... I figured this is when I would hear "well I did order 20 ducks" or something ) actually he did but he was just joking but his reply was "because I am tired of being selfish and I know you need help and I like making you happy!!" Oh yes he did get a big kiss for this :) And I just have to say there is nothing sexier than a man in the kitchen doing dishes and putting them away.. You can take your flowers I will take my man doing dished any day!!!
Eph 5:25,33 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..... However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband"
I love that my boys are seeing what being a husband should look like and I pray that they see in me how a wife is to love her husband and be his helper!
So now I can read this when I am having one of those days where I want to look at all the specks in my husbands eye without looking at the log in my own, when I want to see the one thing he isn't doing and not the many many things he does do for me, for our family. I will read this note and remember.... How much I love this amazing man God has graciously given me.. and be thankful!!!

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and LET US RUN with endurance the race set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Heb 12:1&2
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Presidents Day
I sit here in the wee hours of the morning and try to think of how to start this post about our weekend. Trying to come up with engaging words that will pull you in and make you want to keep reading. Well sorry it isn't coming this morning :) Must have been the busyness of the last 2 days that has left me tired and ready for bed... but it is only 630am :) Wow looks like today is going to be a long day.
Sunday evening we ( meaning Mat, the boys and I) went to Disney on Ice.
Sunday evening we ( meaning Mat, the boys and I) went to Disney on Ice.
This was a Christmas gift from my Aunt Bobbie for the kids. And boy were they so excited.. All day they seemed to talk a mile a minute. I am sure they talked their Sunday School teachers ear off in the morning.
We had great lower level center stage tickets.
I have to admit mommy and daddy were pretty excited too:)
I am not sure what is going on with Zack's eyes here :)
The boys won't admit it but they were excited to see the princess too.. I am sure not as excited as mommy was but still :)
And then the show begins.........
This was the cheapest snake there.. Thankfully we ate before coming because even the snow cone was $15 !!!! It was really a wonderful evening out with our boys!!!
Monday we woke up with a plan.... morning chores and then take the boys to get some much needed clothes (my mom still had Kaitlyn). It is true... boys and shopping don't go well together. But we got what we needed and even threw a trip to Costco in the mix. I was so excited to find almost all we needed at Once Upon a Child in Vacaville. It is a second hand store of gently used and even new clothes ( Jayden jeans were brand new!) 12 things for 60 bucks!!!
So it was a very successful day !!!!
Now I need to get on with my morning. I am hearing the pitter patter of feet and the laundry finishing up... So good bye until next time!!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
It is raining it is pouring
Daddy said "Ok guys it is time to go out" He took us out to get a frozen yogurt at our new favorite spot in Vacaville. For a moment we forgot that it was raining and dreams of warm summer days filled our minds.... ahhh
Earlier this week I planned a field trip with CHSC to the sticker factory... It was a really neat day with my oldest and my mom (Zack and Kaitlyn were sick so Mat stayed home with them)
It was my Dad's 50th birthday this week. It was a very memorable one.. I will let the pictures explain...
A Man vs. Food Challenge... And the MAN won :) He beat a 12 pattie cheeseburger which translates to 4 pounds of beef and 1 1/2 pounds of cheese, sauteed onions and a bun!!! About an hour later this huge burger was reduced to a memory. He bet the record and now he gets a t- shirt and his name and picture on the wall. Not to mention the bragging rights of eating the biggest burger the owner had ever seen and the biggest burger eaten in the 17 years the restaurant has been there!!!!
Poor guy couldn't sit down after and I guess didn't sleep very well that night :) He might not ever eat another burger again but he for sure won't forgot when he did when he turned the big 5 - 0 :)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The White Elephant
Like the white elephant in the room that is there but not talked about.... So is the wrath of God. I did a study on it and was greatly encouraged.... encouraged by wrath????? Read on to see :)
What is the wrath of God?
God’s wrath in scripture is His holy and just indignation against sin. His holy reaction to sin, a burning of anger, a sore displeasure of sin. God hates sin. God’s wrath is on sinful men who completely disregard His law and His salvation plan. God is perfect in all His attributes his mercy, love, sovereignty, immutablibly therefore His wrath is also prefect. We can’t compare it to wrath and anger like we have because we are sinful and God’s anger/wrath is sinless. For God to be perfectly loving He also has to be perfectly just sin cannot go unpunished. 2 Thess 1: 6- 10” Since it is a righteous things with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you, and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God. And on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power,”
God’s wrath is seen on the unrighteous -Rom 1:18 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of Men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” Rom 2:5 “But in accordance with our hardness and your unrepentant heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God.”
Where is it seen?
Example Adam and Eve who disregarded God’s command and experience the first effects of God’s wrath because of their sin. Their bodies were naked and saw death. Noah and the Ark- God wrath was seen in his destroying the whole world expect 8 ppl who kept God’s commandment and had a fear of God. The Egyptian and all their first born died you can see the wrath of God. And also most importantly God’s wrath can be seen in the crucifixion of His sinless Son.
John MacArthur -
The wrath of God is like a great water impounded behind a dam. He said, I can remember the first time I ever saw Hoover Dam, one of the greatest of all dams on earth. It has been thrown across the waters of the Colorado River and these waters have backed up for miles and penetrated into every little cove and valley. And thus it has been with the wrath of God. The first time there was ever a sin committed; the wrath of God was stored up against that sin. And as men lived upon the earth and as their hearts grew more wicked and the outbreak of their sin more violent, the store of wrath grew greater and greater, held back by the patience of God which lies across the valley of His judgment like a great dam across the river. And in His eternal foreknowledge God the Father foresaw all of the sin that would be committed after the time of Christ, your sin and my sin, and He stored His wrath against it behind the dam of His patience. And the wrath of God against sin that even today has not yet been committed is also stored up waiting for the day when His patience shall burst into its holy end. For thousands of years that dam has held and God has held back His wrath. Occasionally throughout human history He stooped to dip His hand into the pent up flood and pour a few drops of wrath on some, especially vicious outbreak of rebellion. But for the most part God seemed to overlook the sins of man in the centuries before the cross. It looked maybe as if sin was tolerated, but it was just piling up.”
You know, the dam broke one day, and it broke at Calvary. And it broke on Christ and drown Him in all the sea of sin. And it will break again and it will drown all those men who are not in Christ. Christ took the judgment for those who believe. For those who do not believe, they will take their own judgment. And the wrath of God awaits them. Because they hold the truth, no matter what they claim, but they hold it and suppress it because of their sin.
You know, the dam broke one day, and it broke at Calvary. And it broke on Christ and drown Him in all the sea of sin. And it will break again and it will drown all those men who are not in Christ. Christ took the judgment for those who believe. For those who do not believe, they will take their own judgment. And the wrath of God awaits them. Because they hold the truth, no matter what they claim, but they hold it and suppress it because of their sin.
We see God’s wrath daily in our lives… we live in a sinful world there is sickness, disasters, depression, pain, death; we are exceedingly sinful so God’s wrath is constantly being seen. Jer. 7:20 “ Therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold , My anger and My fury will be poured out on this place- on man and on beast, on the trees on the field and on the fruit of the ground. And it will burn and not be quenched.” So not just on people do we see God’s wrath in this verse it states on everything created by God in this sinful world. .
God’s wrath is central to the gospel…. Just like when you go to the doctor and are given bad news like you have cancer … but then the doctor says but we have good news… We have a cure for your cancer. If you didn’t know you had cancer… Hearing” you have a cure” would not matter to you but when you know that you have cancer and it can kill you, how sweet the words are… you have a cure and a way to be completely healed…. Rom 3: 23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
The punishment you deserve for your sinful desperately wicked heart is death, a forever separation from God. There is NOTHING we can or cannot do to save ourselves. God’s wrath will be on those who turn their face from him and reject his mercy and forgiveness. We deserve hell however Jesus took our place and was punished for us… How sweet are the words you are forgiven when you know what you have been forgiven from!! What LOVE Mercy and Kindness this is… Rom 5:6- 8 “For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die, But God demonstrated His own love toward us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.”
Therefore for application
1. The reality of the wrath of God will make you so thankful for what God has done for you in spite of what you deserved. So you can have joy no matter what your circumstances might be. Rom 8:1 There is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit.
2. To live looking forward to heaven and the reality of life eternal and to use our time for the Glory of God not ourselves. Ps. 90:11- 12 who knows the power of Your anger? For as the fear of you, so is Your wrath. So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Stop saying but God this is what I have planned for my day, week, ect and ask Lord I am your hands use me today.
3. To see those who aren’t saved as objects of God’s wrath so that we might have mercy and feel the urgency to share the gospel the good news of God’s amazing love! John 3:36 he who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and He who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentines Day!!!
I love my husband who will gladly watch the kiddos so I can go have a fun night out with the girls (Thursday)
I Love my family who takes time out of their busy lives to make memories with us
( An afternoon visit with my dear aunt)
I love my husband who will gladly watch the kiddos so I can go have a fun night out with the girls (Thursday)
I Love my family who takes time out of their busy lives to make memories with us
( An afternoon visit with my dear aunt)
I Love Saturdays spent with my mom, sister and kiddos making sugar cookies and stealing tastes of the frosting every now and then. "who me, no never !!! :)"
I love waking up on Valentines day to a baby girl yelling "moma, moma, moma".... a daddy who graciously gets up and brings her to me only to find that she has a major POOP explosion. A bath is absolutely necessary!!! After a nice long soak, she is dressed and read to go for the day... I start vacuuming while daddy is making her toast for breakfast. I turn the corner of the bathroom only to find that our little princess wasn't quite done with her bath yet!!!
I Love seeing the joy on my boys faces as they open the door to the pool, strip their clothes off and jump into the swimming pool!!!
I love sending all my boys to the library
and being completely surprised when they
walk in with not only books .........
But 2 dozen beautiful roses !!!
I Love my family
I Love my friends
I Love my crazy, wonderful life
I Love that 2 of my 3 kids actually asked to go to bed!
I Love relaxing evenings spent with my beloved!
I LOVED this Valentines DAY!
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