Addison's Birth story
Sunday the 24th (my sister's birthday) contractions started around 4pm
We went to my mom's for dessert to celebrate Tay's 19th bday.
After a walk to the park the contrations were stronger and in a regular pattern
I laid down for a few hrs to see if the contractions would stop.
Nope they weren't stoppin!
Since the kids were already aat my moms we decieded to go in to L&D to be checked
Well at 10:30 we were admitted .
It was the real deal!
My labor coaches ( Mat, Mom, Tays, and Tiff) didn't know that they signed up for a 24hr shift!
All through the night until 7am I had regular contractions that were 2 to 5 minutes apart. meaning not enough time to fall asleep in between. They broke my water at 7am the contractions got stronger but not closer together.
Papa brought the kiddos to see us. Kaitlyn was a little scared of mommy in this wierd place with a crazy outfit and wires coming out of my hand. Zack just wanted to know what kind of snacks we had and wanted to watch a show. Jayden was very interesed in everything in the room.. Including the comfy bed :) All through the night until 7am I had regular contractions that were 2 to 5 minutes apart. meaning not enough time to fall asleep in between. They broke my water at 7am the contractions got stronger but not closer together.
It looks like a party was goin on in here but I promise I was in labor and would have to stop mid sentence to breath but then the party continued on :)
At 7 pm 12 hrs after my water broke I was only at 6cm. My contractions were still not getting closer together. Patocin was ordered. At this point I was completely exausted and had an emotional breakdown ..... 22 hrs of labor was getting to me.... All I could think was that this wasn't my birth plan at all but my labor coaches encouraged me to get some pain meds. So they stopped the potocin 30 minutes after starting it because my labor was kickin on its own and man the contractions were getting to the point of me wanting to bite someones finger off :) At 9pm the epidural was in ( which praise God went so much better than the experience I had with Kaitlyn) but just took the edge off and numbed my right leg. I was 8cm @ 915.....4 more contractions and I needed to PUSH.. Mat went to get my nurse but she was on the phone... another nurse came casually asking if this was my first baby.... Mat said" no this is our 4th and on the last one a practice push was all she needed to do." That quickly speed things up and within a few minutes Dr. Putunm was in a catching Addison! She came out a screamin at 9:52pm :)
We went through 3 shifts of doctors and nurses.I ended up getting a little bit of potocin for the first time ever, I got the epidural that I wasn't planning on getting But God was so good and gave me a wonderful nurse and doctor ( the same one who delieverd Kaitlyn!) to deliever Addison. He had a plan and purpose in even giving me a long labor. And now 4 days later I can say that I am so thankful. Even though it didn't go according to "my plan" it was all according to HIS PLAN
Addison Juliette weighed 6lbs 8oz and
Proud Papa
I was so anxious to see what the kids reactions were going to be when they met their sister for the first time. Jayden had told my mom that morning after hearing the news she was born " Oh I love her soo much already :)"
Jayden said that she was the cutest thing ever and kept wanting to hold her.
Kaitlyn calls her " my baby" - oh my baby is so cute, my baby is crying, she likes to hold her for a few minutes but then says she is too heavy :)
Zack didn't want to hold her at first and was more interested in the tv show in the room... but after about 20 minutes and a few snacks he was asking for his turn to hold her...
Daddy with his crazy big kiddos
We got to go home 16 hrs after her birth!