20 Weeks today.....
So a 20 point update is in order
So a 20 point update is in order
1. I am finally starting to feeling all the kicks and pushes that our little girl is evidently doing in there
2. Kaitlyn thinks her name should be Sally
3. I have gained 6lbs so far and that was in a 2 week span last month.
I completely freaked out at first because I thought I would continue on the 3 lbs a week trek
but thankfully that was just because I was finally able to start eating again.. taking about eating......
4. I LOVE food- real food
Last week Mat got chicken wings
the next morning Kaitlyn and I polished off his leftovers at 930 am
I ordered a steak for the 1st time in like 15 years and enjoyed EVERY bite :)
I have even sneaked on a few cheetos yesterday!
5. I bought my 1st maternity clothes for this pregnancy this past weekend
6. Her name is going to be Addison- Addy for short
Now we just need a middle name... suggestions anyone???
7. The boys are excited to not have to share their room 3 ways :)
8. Nesting has already started-
my poor family has 20 long weeks ahead and my honey has a long honey do list :)
9. I have been to the gym 0 times in the past 2 weeks
10. She weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. Is around 6 1/2 inches long from head to
bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel ( thanks to babycenter for the info :)
11. Heartburn has started :(
I had this for the 1st time when I was prego with Kaitlyn.
Not Fun at all
12. I don't like diet pepsi
What that is crazy I know!
I have been drinking water like crazy
13. Honestly I am still in shock that it is a GIRL
14. My hair won't curl at all.
Must be all the girl hormones because the same thing happened when I was prego with Kaitlyn
15. I love food
Oh I already said that but it is true... especially salty food
but I don't really like cooking right now.. so that is kind of a problem
16. I am searching for a good stroller & car seat
A stroller that COMPLETELY reclines and has an option to make into a double stroller
Suggestions anyone??
17. Daddy quote " Well now that it is a girl it makes everything easier since we saved almost everything from Kaitlyn but when the girls are 16 and 13.. that is going to be a different story"
18. I have been having days where I have so much energy
then days where I can't keep my eye lids open ( like yesterday I made myself get up at 5 to have my quiet time and work on my memory verses but fell asleep 45 minutes later :(
19. With my prego brain I am having a hard time thinking of something for # 19
20. I can't wait to hold my little girl in about 20 weeks.Wow this pregnancy is going by so fast now that I am not nauseous 24/7 !